Sunday 27 January 2013

Online Parliamentary Information Office Updates: Comments on News

Online Parliamentary Information Office Updates: "Europe is more social democratic than the UK. Even countries with centre-right governments tend to tax more, spend more on welfare and are less laissez-faire when it comes to markets."
from the Independent

Fact warning  "centre-right governments tend to tax more" by this they really mean Ken Clarke types not John Redwood types.

This what they want; GB to "redeem" itself from its "shameful" conservative opinions and policies and be subsumed into an amorphous social democratic morass.

Then all will be well; you can hold your head up as good tame, little conformist Europeans and put all your faith in left leaning intellectuals and economists who know better than to trust the plebs.

Put your "hideously British" attitudes behind you, be a province of the new Holy Roman Empire.

Online Parliamentary Information Office Updates: Their intentions... which were easily predicted 40 years ago is to turn the British isles into a slave camp... as we saw all our industry go to the far East it becomes obvious that they could not stop the greed for bigger profits at the expense of our jobs and security...if we do not get rid of these evil bastards then we will be viewing the sky through razor wire. !

Other news shared at parliamentary information office

Thursday 24 January 2013

Online Parliamentary Information Office Updates: Health Care Debate

Online Parliamentary Information Office Updates: The NHS is the most popular socialist institution in this country and you will pry it from our cold dead fingers you upper class expensively medicated/educated scum. Take your class envy and shove it.

Online Parliamentary Information Office Updates:
1. dementia is a disease - it is not normal, it is pathological, even if its main risk factor is age

2. handrails do not help cope with dementia - those with dementia do not know how to use them

3. get real and get some experience with real people with real dementia rather than the pretend ones who can easily be fobbed off

Parliamentary Information Office plays valuable role on sharing beneficial parliamentary updates.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Online Parliamentary Information Office Updates

Online Parliamentary Information Office Updates: The Parliamentary Yearbook is carrying a full report in the next edition on the importance of the life science and research sector. The UK life sciences market is among the strongest and fastest-growing in the world. Biotechnology, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries in the UK have an outstanding track record in drug discovery, a strong academic base and increasing Government support for R&D through investment and tax credits. This much maligned industry is at last receiving the credit it richly deserves.

parliamentary information office online link | parliamentary yearbook

Monday 21 January 2013

Parliamentary Information Office

Parliamentary Information Office: Legitimate resource shares wide variety of Parliamentary updates.

Parliamentary Information Office: Online Link for latest politics news updates.

Parliamentary Information Office Questions and Answers

This Parliamentary Information Office blog post shows why online resources are popular.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Wealth Fund

Online parliamentary information office updates: I'm really looking forward to the day when a few drilling sites are established in the home counties, preferably on village greens. (Remember the planning laws are being swept away).

Online parliamentary information office updates: The energy companies will want all of the money plus more to cover the costs of extraction. We are more likely to end up with the govt subsidising them.

parliamentary information office | parliamentary yearbook

Saturday 12 January 2013

About Solar Panels

Online parliamentary information office: The problem with all these types of stories is politicians who get into government with no general experience of life, no knowledge worth a candle outside the narrow world of party politics and no education. They are incapable of making a balanced judgement when presented with well researched facts so they have consultants to advise, but they still get it wrong because by the time they assume the mantel of power their conceit and arrogance knows no bounds.

Online parliamentary information office: While Europe has committed to a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, Ed Milliband when he was climate change minister, promised 34%.

This man should not be allowed anywhere near a position of responsibility.

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