Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Election Campaign Information

parliamentary information office: The truth in the Uk is that a lot of wealthy and more importantly the media and "celebs" are mostly Labour supporters. Why this is I am never quite sure, sometimes it seems that these people think that by trying to occupy the imagined moral high ground of, I care for the disadvantaged-asylum seekers-the poor-charity or whatever the popular fad of the moment is. So this continued "only the rich vote Tory is nonsense. A lot of normal working class people actually are more conservative thinking than thought. They hate mass uncontrolled immigration because they are the one's affected. They hate unlimited benefit payments because they live close to those who choose not to work and drag their neighbourhoods down with drugs and crime. They hate the vast bureacracy of the town hall, which spouts socialist dogma and employs hundreds and thousands of communication workers, equality advisers, outreach workers but won't empty their bins weekly

parliamentary information office:
The American people have spoken, no to the privilaged class taking governance as a right, no to judging a man be his bank balance and no to allowing right wing politics to have the right to bigotry and intolerance. Whatever Romney is he got the thumbs down in a big way. He is cut from the same cloth as Cameron and Osborne they are political dinosaurs who believe their bank balance gives them the right to dictate how we live. Drivel jus like this article which was written expecting Obama to lose. Not much political insight there then.

parliamentary information office:
all politicians use spin, rhetoric, dissembling and being economical with the truth to sway the electorate whilst working to fulfil their own ends, it is part of their stock-in-trade.

parliamentary information office: "On Monday, he was given something approaching a hero’s welcome at Islington Town Hall, where he promoted the living wage paid by some local authorities and by private contractors prepared to offer the higher rate in order to secure lucrative deals to run leisure centres, parks and school dinners." So, a de facto 15-25% rise in the minimum wage, not voted for by parliament and paid for by council tax payers (where local authority staff are directly involved) or strong armed out of private employers by union goons in return for local authority contracts and thus paid for by............council tax payers.

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