Monday, 31 December 2012

Tax Credit System

Online parliamentary information office: Let's face it, if anyone wanted to listen, many of us could draw attention to some of the huge numbers of people invcolved in this and other benefit scams. There are clear rules for benefit-recipients and clearly many of thse rules are being broken, but who is interested in doing anything about specific cases and abuses?

Online parliamentary information office: Day after day we learn from ministers about waste on a massive scale! Oh yes they spout off but do nothing. They all talk a good talk and hope to show us how tough they are, but just how long do these fools actually need to achieve anything? 

Daily updates at parliamentary information office

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Pensioners Calculations and Interest

Online parliamentary information office:  But pensioners have passed a huge debt to the future generations, and also expect them to pay double what there property is actually worth so they can downsize and spend the profit seeing the world.

Its the young that have been well and truly shafted, at least you pensioners had it good for most your lives.

Online parliamentary information office:  The political elite are now the enemy of the people.

They want to destroy all possibility of independence from the state for the ordinary citizen.

They are secretly conspiring Common Purpose Marxists.

The enemy within.

Social Profile of parliamentary information office more social network

Monday, 24 December 2012

Future Journey

Online parliamentary information office:  I too have seen the horrific conditions that the poor slum children in Mumbai live in. I don't know how any human being can allow this to happen, but whilst the terrible caste system exists in India, these children are condemed to a life of servitude.

However, many of the other bloggers have made valid points. Child poverty rose under labour and people like you Tessa ignored this. Also, many of the things you describe are happening here in Britain. Many children are sent off for arranged marriages and forced into domestic servitude. However, to say this or to critisise this in the UK would benow classed as racist thanks to the stupid Hate laws you brought in. They are now used to shut down critism

Well done Tessa - you and your last government held womens rights back 30 years. I find you hypocritical and the last person who should try and make themselves feel good with this worthy cause. You helped create it in the UK

Online parliamentary information office:  Nurturing dreams against the odds was made much harder by this woman's despicable lot, shutting up and atoning is what she and her's should be doing.

parliamentary information office as social media profile

Thursday, 20 December 2012

About the B Team

Online parliamentary information office:  A) You express your opinion: say what you think is in your country's and constituents' best interests.

B) If this doesn't concord with the party line then you are off-message.

C) ERGO: You are clearly selfish, traitorous and generally idiotic.

Of course, in many regimes, C) is enough to get you shot, or hung drawn and quartered or in the case of the Spanish Inquisition in the Middle Ages, burned alive.

What Oborne doesn't get (any more than Cameron) is that people are SICK AND TIRED of this brainless and immoral way of doing politics.

PS "constituents" = THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED for you and who pay your salary. Remember those poor sods?

Online parliamentary information office:  The responsibility here lies with Cameron and his close team of the last 8 years.  They have betrayed their party principles, MPs, Local Associations, and wider supporters, the people of this country as well as our heritage and future.

parliamentary information office

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Budgets Talks

Online parliamentary information office: Well the EZ has done well moved the crisis into 2013, got Ireland more stable (after the horse had bolted), got Greece and Portugal out of the banner headlines and dimmed the flares of Spain's incendiary economy.
Sent us Burlesquoni to entertain and imply the EZ is democratic.
And many thought it would be 10 moves away from a double rook mate by now.
I stick with end Q2 2013 and a French débacle.

Online parliamentary information office: Interesting 'fact'?

Prior to the 'Great Recession' Ireland's budget was in surplus.

Significant parliamentary information office resources

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Information on Bill of Rights

Britain already has a "Bill of Rights"  ( dated 1689 ) !

Online parliamentary information office: We may, or may not, "need" a new bill outlining the basic relationship between people, state and legislation, BUT  PLEASE call it something else.

This is mere pandering to TV culture's idea of US silliness.  IF "we" want something then it should be what "we" want and decided upon our own terms with its own distinctive name, not a copy of an existing bill (either British or American).

Every time some politician comes up with the idea of a "Bill of Rights" I get irate thinking, "what do you know of British history ?".  I find it hilarious when politicians complain about modern educational standards.

Online parliamentary information office: New Bill of Rights is it? So they want to formalise:-
Your right to become a minority in your own Capital
Your right to have your young untrained while foreigners fill the jobs.
Your Right to be mugged by gangs of ethnically related thugs
Your right to fight social services when they think your underage daughter makes a lifestyle choice to prostitute herself?
Your right to have your war memorials stripped of all metal?

Online answer for parliamentary information office

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Academies – the future for our schools

Online parliamentary information office: My organisation provides funds for academies. Academies are changing the face of education here and providing much needed improvement to our children’s education. There is, in the coming edition of the Parliamentary Yearbook, a section devoted to the plurality of the UK education system. It is essential that organisations such as mine are featured in this and similar reports. The book contains a wealth of consolidated information that can help in our efforts to increase Government’s perception of our activities and create more awareness of the advantages that private sector funding can bring to UK education.

Parliamentary Information Office shares something more about other topics.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Discussion on Sales Taxes

Online parliamentary information office discussion: Not only the sales taxes, but also the other taxes they don't count - green nonsense, business rates, ground rent, bin taxes, fuel duty, parking charges (a tax in an other name), employee and employer NI - very seriously, in a country with high unemployment which total stain thought adding to a tax on recruitment was a good idea?
No, our taxes are closer to 65% at the point of sale. Save and you're taxed, work and you're taxed, get to work and you're taxed. It's offensive and the obvious reason why, with such punitive, damaging methods of outright, blatant theft of our income to feed the voracious beast that is the state; that we're not growing our economy.
 Online parliamentary information office discussion: Interesting to see the iPad in the overtaxed basket. A 16GB iPad with retina display in the UK is £399, in Malaysia it is £300, removing the respective VAT rates the net cost is £332.50 in the UK and £272.73 in Malaysia.
In the small print for the Apple UK store is:
 Prices are inclusive of VAT (20%) but exclusive of delivery charges unless otherwise indicated.The VAT rate for Electronic Software Downloads or other Apple products classified as services under EU VAT law will be (23%) as VAT is charged at the rate payable in the country where Apple Distribution International supplies such products, which is the Republic of Ireland
So not only can a manufacturer legally set varying prices, while legally selling through a country with kinder corporate taxes but, the VAT rate imposed on the download customers is higher as a result.
The 20% VAT rate could be a symptom and not the actual disease. Time for an overhaul followed by a reduction in VAT.

Friday, 7 December 2012

More About Debt Crisis

Online parliamentary information office discussion: Let's be clear about this.  If any business or household concluded that its forecast for growth in revenues/income in the coming year was four times lower than it had originally thought and on which it had planned its forthcoming year's activities and costs, than that business or household would almost certainly be facing a crisis if not a catastrophe.

The point is that our complex societies in the developed world simply do not function at rates of economic growth much below 2.5%.  By 'do not function' I mean that they start to implode, rapidly. And yet, even now, there is not the slightest sense of urgency, still less emergency amongst our ruling political elites who are charged with leading us out of this increasingly intractable economic crisis.
Talk about wake up and smell the coffee, eh? When, I wonder?

Online parliamentary information office discussion: Please not another British dooms day prediction for the Euro zonePlease keep to real terms: the Euro zone without UK is still the largest single market of the world and the wealthiest one all together. It contains the most competitive industry of the world and is therefore the world champion in exports, especially strong with high quality products for wealthy customers. It is autonomous in its supply for food, regarding amount and the best quality of various foodstuffs like bread, cheese, vegetables, wine, olive oil and ham. Compare that with the own supply of food in UK or Norway! Its currency, the Euro, has been the most successful currency; even the Swiss Franken is fixed to it.  Compare the charts since 2000 with dollar and pound! It is for 100s Billions money of every kind the safest haven, the savers must even pay to store their money in some countries of the Euro zone.

Parliamentary Information Office and Parliamentary Yearbook

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Employment Protections News Shared

parliamentary information office discussion: They appear to back up concerns from Business secretary Vince Cable that the proposals were ill-thought out with no real evidence base............
That says it all.

parliamentary information office discussion: But this is so typical, another flagship government initiative,  apparently thought up in the common room at Eton on a rainy afternoon  by a group spotty adolescents who were somehow going to put the world to rights and plebs back in their proper place.

This is government defined as much by it's childishness,  immaturity and crack pottery, (Britain yesterday pledged almost £2 billion in “climate aid” to help finance foreign projects including wind turbines in Africa and greener cattle farming in Colombia,) as by it's incompetence, various kinds of dishonesty and apparent corruption.

Parliamentary Information Office Resource

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Next General Election

parliamentary information office discussion: Are these idiots so bereft of intelligence, are they monumentally stupid, do any of them have what is needed to survive? They don't need 'experts' to tell them how to con the public, the public know what is needed, but these lemmings continue on their arrogant way to their own demise. If this is all they have then good riddance to them, bring on the odious labour and let them self destruct, and then finally we may be rid of this liblabcon self servers party once and for all. It will be a long painfull journey but the end may be worth it.

parliamentary information office discussion: It's going to take more than a few think tanks and special advisors for this lot to win the next election.  

Parliamentary information office discussion for more knowledge on other news shared.