Monday, 24 December 2012

Future Journey

Online parliamentary information office:  I too have seen the horrific conditions that the poor slum children in Mumbai live in. I don't know how any human being can allow this to happen, but whilst the terrible caste system exists in India, these children are condemed to a life of servitude.

However, many of the other bloggers have made valid points. Child poverty rose under labour and people like you Tessa ignored this. Also, many of the things you describe are happening here in Britain. Many children are sent off for arranged marriages and forced into domestic servitude. However, to say this or to critisise this in the UK would benow classed as racist thanks to the stupid Hate laws you brought in. They are now used to shut down critism

Well done Tessa - you and your last government held womens rights back 30 years. I find you hypocritical and the last person who should try and make themselves feel good with this worthy cause. You helped create it in the UK

Online parliamentary information office:  Nurturing dreams against the odds was made much harder by this woman's despicable lot, shutting up and atoning is what she and her's should be doing.

parliamentary information office as social media profile

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