Monday, 10 December 2012

Discussion on Sales Taxes

Online parliamentary information office discussion: Not only the sales taxes, but also the other taxes they don't count - green nonsense, business rates, ground rent, bin taxes, fuel duty, parking charges (a tax in an other name), employee and employer NI - very seriously, in a country with high unemployment which total stain thought adding to a tax on recruitment was a good idea?
No, our taxes are closer to 65% at the point of sale. Save and you're taxed, work and you're taxed, get to work and you're taxed. It's offensive and the obvious reason why, with such punitive, damaging methods of outright, blatant theft of our income to feed the voracious beast that is the state; that we're not growing our economy.
 Online parliamentary information office discussion: Interesting to see the iPad in the overtaxed basket. A 16GB iPad with retina display in the UK is £399, in Malaysia it is £300, removing the respective VAT rates the net cost is £332.50 in the UK and £272.73 in Malaysia.
In the small print for the Apple UK store is:
 Prices are inclusive of VAT (20%) but exclusive of delivery charges unless otherwise indicated.The VAT rate for Electronic Software Downloads or other Apple products classified as services under EU VAT law will be (23%) as VAT is charged at the rate payable in the country where Apple Distribution International supplies such products, which is the Republic of Ireland
So not only can a manufacturer legally set varying prices, while legally selling through a country with kinder corporate taxes but, the VAT rate imposed on the download customers is higher as a result.
The 20% VAT rate could be a symptom and not the actual disease. Time for an overhaul followed by a reduction in VAT.

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