Monday, 31 December 2012

Tax Credit System

Online parliamentary information office: Let's face it, if anyone wanted to listen, many of us could draw attention to some of the huge numbers of people invcolved in this and other benefit scams. There are clear rules for benefit-recipients and clearly many of thse rules are being broken, but who is interested in doing anything about specific cases and abuses?

Online parliamentary information office: Day after day we learn from ministers about waste on a massive scale! Oh yes they spout off but do nothing. They all talk a good talk and hope to show us how tough they are, but just how long do these fools actually need to achieve anything? 

Daily updates at parliamentary information office

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Pensioners Calculations and Interest

Online parliamentary information office:  But pensioners have passed a huge debt to the future generations, and also expect them to pay double what there property is actually worth so they can downsize and spend the profit seeing the world.

Its the young that have been well and truly shafted, at least you pensioners had it good for most your lives.

Online parliamentary information office:  The political elite are now the enemy of the people.

They want to destroy all possibility of independence from the state for the ordinary citizen.

They are secretly conspiring Common Purpose Marxists.

The enemy within.

Social Profile of parliamentary information office more social network

Monday, 24 December 2012

Future Journey

Online parliamentary information office:  I too have seen the horrific conditions that the poor slum children in Mumbai live in. I don't know how any human being can allow this to happen, but whilst the terrible caste system exists in India, these children are condemed to a life of servitude.

However, many of the other bloggers have made valid points. Child poverty rose under labour and people like you Tessa ignored this. Also, many of the things you describe are happening here in Britain. Many children are sent off for arranged marriages and forced into domestic servitude. However, to say this or to critisise this in the UK would benow classed as racist thanks to the stupid Hate laws you brought in. They are now used to shut down critism

Well done Tessa - you and your last government held womens rights back 30 years. I find you hypocritical and the last person who should try and make themselves feel good with this worthy cause. You helped create it in the UK

Online parliamentary information office:  Nurturing dreams against the odds was made much harder by this woman's despicable lot, shutting up and atoning is what she and her's should be doing.

parliamentary information office as social media profile

Thursday, 20 December 2012

About the B Team

Online parliamentary information office:  A) You express your opinion: say what you think is in your country's and constituents' best interests.

B) If this doesn't concord with the party line then you are off-message.

C) ERGO: You are clearly selfish, traitorous and generally idiotic.

Of course, in many regimes, C) is enough to get you shot, or hung drawn and quartered or in the case of the Spanish Inquisition in the Middle Ages, burned alive.

What Oborne doesn't get (any more than Cameron) is that people are SICK AND TIRED of this brainless and immoral way of doing politics.

PS "constituents" = THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED for you and who pay your salary. Remember those poor sods?

Online parliamentary information office:  The responsibility here lies with Cameron and his close team of the last 8 years.  They have betrayed their party principles, MPs, Local Associations, and wider supporters, the people of this country as well as our heritage and future.

parliamentary information office

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Budgets Talks

Online parliamentary information office: Well the EZ has done well moved the crisis into 2013, got Ireland more stable (after the horse had bolted), got Greece and Portugal out of the banner headlines and dimmed the flares of Spain's incendiary economy.
Sent us Burlesquoni to entertain and imply the EZ is democratic.
And many thought it would be 10 moves away from a double rook mate by now.
I stick with end Q2 2013 and a French débacle.

Online parliamentary information office: Interesting 'fact'?

Prior to the 'Great Recession' Ireland's budget was in surplus.

Significant parliamentary information office resources

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Information on Bill of Rights

Britain already has a "Bill of Rights"  ( dated 1689 ) !

Online parliamentary information office: We may, or may not, "need" a new bill outlining the basic relationship between people, state and legislation, BUT  PLEASE call it something else.

This is mere pandering to TV culture's idea of US silliness.  IF "we" want something then it should be what "we" want and decided upon our own terms with its own distinctive name, not a copy of an existing bill (either British or American).

Every time some politician comes up with the idea of a "Bill of Rights" I get irate thinking, "what do you know of British history ?".  I find it hilarious when politicians complain about modern educational standards.

Online parliamentary information office: New Bill of Rights is it? So they want to formalise:-
Your right to become a minority in your own Capital
Your right to have your young untrained while foreigners fill the jobs.
Your Right to be mugged by gangs of ethnically related thugs
Your right to fight social services when they think your underage daughter makes a lifestyle choice to prostitute herself?
Your right to have your war memorials stripped of all metal?

Online answer for parliamentary information office

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Academies – the future for our schools

Online parliamentary information office: My organisation provides funds for academies. Academies are changing the face of education here and providing much needed improvement to our children’s education. There is, in the coming edition of the Parliamentary Yearbook, a section devoted to the plurality of the UK education system. It is essential that organisations such as mine are featured in this and similar reports. The book contains a wealth of consolidated information that can help in our efforts to increase Government’s perception of our activities and create more awareness of the advantages that private sector funding can bring to UK education.

Parliamentary Information Office shares something more about other topics.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Discussion on Sales Taxes

Online parliamentary information office discussion: Not only the sales taxes, but also the other taxes they don't count - green nonsense, business rates, ground rent, bin taxes, fuel duty, parking charges (a tax in an other name), employee and employer NI - very seriously, in a country with high unemployment which total stain thought adding to a tax on recruitment was a good idea?
No, our taxes are closer to 65% at the point of sale. Save and you're taxed, work and you're taxed, get to work and you're taxed. It's offensive and the obvious reason why, with such punitive, damaging methods of outright, blatant theft of our income to feed the voracious beast that is the state; that we're not growing our economy.
 Online parliamentary information office discussion: Interesting to see the iPad in the overtaxed basket. A 16GB iPad with retina display in the UK is £399, in Malaysia it is £300, removing the respective VAT rates the net cost is £332.50 in the UK and £272.73 in Malaysia.
In the small print for the Apple UK store is:
 Prices are inclusive of VAT (20%) but exclusive of delivery charges unless otherwise indicated.The VAT rate for Electronic Software Downloads or other Apple products classified as services under EU VAT law will be (23%) as VAT is charged at the rate payable in the country where Apple Distribution International supplies such products, which is the Republic of Ireland
So not only can a manufacturer legally set varying prices, while legally selling through a country with kinder corporate taxes but, the VAT rate imposed on the download customers is higher as a result.
The 20% VAT rate could be a symptom and not the actual disease. Time for an overhaul followed by a reduction in VAT.

Friday, 7 December 2012

More About Debt Crisis

Online parliamentary information office discussion: Let's be clear about this.  If any business or household concluded that its forecast for growth in revenues/income in the coming year was four times lower than it had originally thought and on which it had planned its forthcoming year's activities and costs, than that business or household would almost certainly be facing a crisis if not a catastrophe.

The point is that our complex societies in the developed world simply do not function at rates of economic growth much below 2.5%.  By 'do not function' I mean that they start to implode, rapidly. And yet, even now, there is not the slightest sense of urgency, still less emergency amongst our ruling political elites who are charged with leading us out of this increasingly intractable economic crisis.
Talk about wake up and smell the coffee, eh? When, I wonder?

Online parliamentary information office discussion: Please not another British dooms day prediction for the Euro zonePlease keep to real terms: the Euro zone without UK is still the largest single market of the world and the wealthiest one all together. It contains the most competitive industry of the world and is therefore the world champion in exports, especially strong with high quality products for wealthy customers. It is autonomous in its supply for food, regarding amount and the best quality of various foodstuffs like bread, cheese, vegetables, wine, olive oil and ham. Compare that with the own supply of food in UK or Norway! Its currency, the Euro, has been the most successful currency; even the Swiss Franken is fixed to it.  Compare the charts since 2000 with dollar and pound! It is for 100s Billions money of every kind the safest haven, the savers must even pay to store their money in some countries of the Euro zone.

Parliamentary Information Office and Parliamentary Yearbook

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Employment Protections News Shared

parliamentary information office discussion: They appear to back up concerns from Business secretary Vince Cable that the proposals were ill-thought out with no real evidence base............
That says it all.

parliamentary information office discussion: But this is so typical, another flagship government initiative,  apparently thought up in the common room at Eton on a rainy afternoon  by a group spotty adolescents who were somehow going to put the world to rights and plebs back in their proper place.

This is government defined as much by it's childishness,  immaturity and crack pottery, (Britain yesterday pledged almost £2 billion in “climate aid” to help finance foreign projects including wind turbines in Africa and greener cattle farming in Colombia,) as by it's incompetence, various kinds of dishonesty and apparent corruption.

Parliamentary Information Office Resource

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Next General Election

parliamentary information office discussion: Are these idiots so bereft of intelligence, are they monumentally stupid, do any of them have what is needed to survive? They don't need 'experts' to tell them how to con the public, the public know what is needed, but these lemmings continue on their arrogant way to their own demise. If this is all they have then good riddance to them, bring on the odious labour and let them self destruct, and then finally we may be rid of this liblabcon self servers party once and for all. It will be a long painfull journey but the end may be worth it.

parliamentary information office discussion: It's going to take more than a few think tanks and special advisors for this lot to win the next election.  

Parliamentary information office discussion for more knowledge on other news shared.


Thursday, 22 November 2012

Green Energy Information

parliamentary information office: But you must remember we are saving the world. The fact that very few view countries believe this rubbish doesn't matter. It's like being in a huge hall with hundreds enjoying a smoke and one person called Britain decides to save everyone in the hall by stopping smoking, and he thinks he's right and everyone else is wrong.

parliamentary information office: Where's the democracy in all this? If I want to save a polar bear, I can give to the WWF, if I choose.

The point is that I have a choice whether or not to give to a charity. It is entirely voluntary. If I don't want to save a polar bear, I don't give to the WWF, as simple as that.

In this case, I have absolutely no choice. The government has said: you will be forced to pay to insulate other people's properties. You will do this to save the planet.

Where is the democracy in that? I don't believe for one moment that adding some loft, or cavity wall, insulation is going to save the planet, do you? However, there are other people that do believe in this stuff.

The solution is to make it voluntary, as with the polar bears. The people that want to save polar bears will be the people that will want to give generously towards this scheme.

Latest news updates at parliamentary information office.

Saturday, 17 November 2012


Town and city regeneration will form part of a major feature on communities in the next edition of the Parliamentary Yearbook. Earlier this year we reported on the results of the Government’s competition to select 27 towns to become 'Portas Pilots’. Last Friday, 10th November 2012 Local Growth Minister Mark Prisk mp called on communities and budding entrepreneurs to back their local markets well into the New Year, as part of a wider effort to breathe new life into the nation's High Streets.

The Minister confirmed that the Love Your Local Market campaign in 2013 will take place from 15 May, and will give aspiring retailers the chance to test out their ideas at their local markets.

During the 'Love Your Local Market' campaign, new stallholders will be able to take advantage of a 'Table for a Tenner' deal - with some offering free pitches - at markets across the country, with many offering mentoring to those setting up shop for the first time.

And to make sure as many high streets as possible can take part, the National Association of British Markets Authorities will hold a series of roadshows sharing ideas that councils and other market operators can take to make their events a success.

Around 400 local markets across the country were involved this Summer, with a locally-defined programme of events designed to attract visitors into town centres and help new start-ups.

Mark Prisk said:

"Markets can play an integral role in reviving our high streets, offering something new and exciting for shoppers in a way the Internet and out-of-town retail centres can't.

"I would urge traders and councils across the country to back this effective and important campaign, offer support to budding entrepreneurs looking to trade and Love Your Local Markets."

Graham Wilson, OBE, Chief Executive of the National Association of British Market Authorities, said:

"Love Your Local Market and National Market Day provided a great impetus to the campaign to revitalise the High Street and created an opportunity for almost 2000 people to sample market trading for the first time. We now want to build on this success and make LYLM 2013 bigger and better."

Joe Harrison, Chief Executive of the National Market Traders' Federation, said:

"We, at the National Market Traders' Federation, are happy to see this campaign running again for a second year, and are delighted to support it. We do hope it has an even bigger impact than the first event with regard to the encouragement of new start-up businesses within the industry."

Following up on a successful fortnight

It follows the success of the Love Your Local Markets event in June this year, which saw over 400 markets run over the dedicated two weeks.

As a result of this scheme:

·         around 400 markets took part under the 'Love Your Local Markets' banner

·         just under 2,000 new traders joined local markets during last year's campaign

·         over 3,000 'Tables for a Tenner' and free pitches were offered - over half of which were taken up

·         Examples include

·         Sarah Rogers, whose chocolate stall is now a regular fixture at Ludlow Market, with visitors now looking to buy her products online and making bookings for her to cater weddings and other events

·         Obi Nwosu, who started selling during Love Your Local Market at Portobello in London, and now has stalls in six locations across the Capital

·         Keith Smith, who started his Natural Ingredients stall at Fleetwood Market earlier this year, but is now trading on every market day of the week, and sell into retail outlets including food halls and other local specialist markets

We shall be adding to the article as there are further developments. The full report will be published in print and online in the next edition of the Parliamentary Yearbook.



Monday, 12 November 2012

Tea Sell Deal

parliamentary information office: An excellent idea, unfortunately there will no workers available to fill the orders, once Clegg brings in his flexi time.

parliamentary information office: Deal join more together for other future businesses.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Remembrance Day Information

parliamentary information office: It takes the biscuit when the likes of Baroness Warsi is wheeled out to spout unctuous tripe like this.

And quite frankly statements like :

 "That is a message that will rain on the parade of extremists: both the preachers of hate, who burn poppies as a vile protest against the West, and the far Right, who hijack the patriotism of Remembrance Sunday by trying suppress its messages of tolerance and freedom by making the event a divisive, whites-only moment."

Are totally unnecessary and inappropriate in the context of Remembrance Sunday. The Baroness and all her fellow travellers with chips on both shoulders should not be allowed to hijack the occasion to make their puerile points. There is a time and place for such comments and Remembrance Sunday is NOT that time.

parliamentary information office: Warsi's government completed what the German Army could not. The utter demoralisation of the British Armed Forces; who within one term of Cameron's catastrophic government have been hollowed out and would take at least a generation to correct, as the trust has gone.

We have slipped beneath the waves, thanks to the shallow analysis of airhead Dave and using defence funds to expand the vanity department of DFID for his erstwhile Rasputin, Mitchell.

The detoxification of the Tories was considered more important than national security and it still backfired when that  objectionable bully Mitchell showed his true colours.

parliamentary information office: "those who fought for our freedoms nearly a century ago."
Most if not all believed that is what they were fighting for, and they fought in terrible conditions with unstinting bravery and gallantry.
But nonetheless they were wastefully sacrificed for no useful purpose by the insane folly of politicians and generals.
That is what we should remember about the Great War while we commemorate the men who fought in it.
Especially when, as like here, dodgy politicians are still mouthing platitudes about 'our freedoms',

parliamentary information office: Calling an end to WW1 meant France, Britain and Germany would not go the way of Russia.  That is why the conflict, that should never have happened, ended.

My memories are of veterans, family and men alive and maimed 60 years after the event, living out their final years at the BLESMA home.

Was the war worth it, was it xyz.

parliamentary information office shares you more.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Human Rights Information

parliamentary information office: He means the European Law, and it is telling that even this sensible man assumes that the law of Europe is sovereign to the law of Britain: the will of parliament.

That can not be right.  Never.

He is right in the respect that members of the last government  signed a treaty that gave Europe supremacy over the British Government.  Traitors.

But he is wrong - because our government had no right to sign away our sovereignty to anybody.

Lease of all to a bunch of foreigners who have, for the last 400 years, tried to attack, invade and disadvantage us.

Dominic:  get your legal head off, get your sensible head on.  Understand that laws that do not have the assent of parliament must always be subordinate to those which do.

And if you can't grasp that, please stand aside for somebody who can.

parliamentary information office: What I hope this shower does stay in it is our only hope Labour nearly bancrupted us and mass immigration has made us a violent and scary country with no jobs, no housing, and our culture being changed. Aslo needed to remember id that Alister Darling on the last day of office before they were defeat by the Torys signed us up to bidding agreements that if we want to change it is illegal and have ven threated to sue us if we do not let all the EU members in that want to come without good English. So how the hell can they do all these things with the yoke of the EU around our necks thanks to the traitors called Labour .

parliamentary information office: The government might as well announce Human Rights are not the right thing for Britain, instead we are having the Wealthy Paedophiles Right To Privacy Act.

Nice work Cameron, we all saw what you were really saying when the muppet Schofield, who has gone up in my estimation by a mile, confronted you with that list of your chums.

parliamentary information office: What about the rights of the dead children at the care homes in Jersey and Wales,
 Phil Schofield did the right thing to put the tory Cameron on the spot about tory abusers as we may be talking about murder as well as abuse, the cult of Freemasonry must be exposed and the security service MI5 must have known what was going on!

Parliamentary Information Office for latest news and updates.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

David Cameron congratulates Barack Obama on re-election victory

David Cameron congratulates Barack Obama on re-election victory

Prime Minister David Cameron his congratulations to Barack Obama, the US President re-elected for second term as has been referred to.

"I think he's a very successful American President and I look forward to working with him in the future," he said.

Labour leader Ed Miliband said that Mr Obama's win was a "fairer economy built on the make.

Mr Obama fought a tough challenge by Republican candidate Mitt Romney was seen off.

Speaking during a tour of the Middle East, the Prime Minister said: "I would like to congratulate Barack Obama on the great victory.
Business expected

"I really like working with him over the past few years and I work with him in the next four years to look forward to fun.

"There are so many things that we need to do: we need to kick start the world economy, and I would like to see an EU-US trade deal.
Continue reading the main story
"Starting bid

Great victory fairer economy and politics can do about optimism based on building "

Ed Miliband

Peston: US elections and UK plc
Robinson: lessons from Obama's victory

"Right here in Jordan I Barack want to talk about what one of the first things the inside stories about Syria's appalling how we try to resolve this crisis and will do more listening.

"Above all, congratulations Barack. I enjoyed working with him, I think he is a very successful American President and I look forward to working with him in the future."

Foreign Secretary William Hague said the move "on shared foreign policy goals" President Obama and his team had been looking to work with.

Mr Miliband offered his congratulations tweeting: "great victory of fairer economy and politics can do about creating optimism."

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg sought to draw a parallel with domestic politics, was "long memories" to voters of Mr. Obama's win showed suggesting when it came to who they believe were responsible for the current economic difficulties.

"When it comes to a vote, the voter who made the mess in the first place and that painstaking, and harder, longer-than-we-had-hope, that shit is working to clear the remember" Lib Dem leader-in Mr Cameron for Prime Minister's questions at-MPS.

Business cooperation and at the same time, Mr Clegg said that the United States and Europe closer together to work on dealing with the effects of climate change.
Economic challenges

There was a feeling across Europe he would be "more care, Mr. Romney would be more favorable to the rest of the world" since the Conservative MP John Redwood "fun" Mr. Obama's victory in the UK suggested.

But he said that the President is serious on its strategy and responding to the war in Afghanistan.

"Now matter how he heal the raw feelings of dissent in his country tries to do, and how the debt mountain and losses he has created to deal with," he wrote on his blog.

Conservative MP Rob Wilson said that result was the US elections Tuesday suggested "a tough four years.

"A country and Obama looks like he may be a lame duck President," he wrote on Twitter.

But Conservative colleague guy Opperman said that the "middle" ground were unable to defeat Mr. Romney has shown.

"Since they lurched to the right Mitt Romney clearly did not win," he told the BBC. "he was, to a certain degree, tea party, especially during the primary campaign had been taken and was not able to capture the middle ground.

"Because he couldn't find the middle ground and what 's, centre-right want a point of view most people can't capture it core support that he needs to win the election is lost."

Election Campaign Information

parliamentary information office: The truth in the Uk is that a lot of wealthy and more importantly the media and "celebs" are mostly Labour supporters. Why this is I am never quite sure, sometimes it seems that these people think that by trying to occupy the imagined moral high ground of, I care for the disadvantaged-asylum seekers-the poor-charity or whatever the popular fad of the moment is. So this continued "only the rich vote Tory is nonsense. A lot of normal working class people actually are more conservative thinking than thought. They hate mass uncontrolled immigration because they are the one's affected. They hate unlimited benefit payments because they live close to those who choose not to work and drag their neighbourhoods down with drugs and crime. They hate the vast bureacracy of the town hall, which spouts socialist dogma and employs hundreds and thousands of communication workers, equality advisers, outreach workers but won't empty their bins weekly

parliamentary information office:
The American people have spoken, no to the privilaged class taking governance as a right, no to judging a man be his bank balance and no to allowing right wing politics to have the right to bigotry and intolerance. Whatever Romney is he got the thumbs down in a big way. He is cut from the same cloth as Cameron and Osborne they are political dinosaurs who believe their bank balance gives them the right to dictate how we live. Drivel jus like this article which was written expecting Obama to lose. Not much political insight there then.

parliamentary information office:
all politicians use spin, rhetoric, dissembling and being economical with the truth to sway the electorate whilst working to fulfil their own ends, it is part of their stock-in-trade.

parliamentary information office: "On Monday, he was given something approaching a hero’s welcome at Islington Town Hall, where he promoted the living wage paid by some local authorities and by private contractors prepared to offer the higher rate in order to secure lucrative deals to run leisure centres, parks and school dinners." So, a de facto 15-25% rise in the minimum wage, not voted for by parliament and paid for by council tax payers (where local authority staff are directly involved) or strong armed out of private employers by union goons in return for local authority contracts and thus paid for by............council tax payers.

Legitimate Parliamentary Information Office resources get you more about business and politics.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

More children should be in care, say MPs

More children should be in care, say MPs

In England, a Committee of MPs investigating child protection and children at risk should be taken into consideration.

They often frustrate parents the benefit of the doubt, which then fail to improve father that warned.

The MP also said that especially vulnerable youth care system was abandoned as inadequate support for older children.

The Government said that any "unacceptable," "a big improvement the middle way was through the system" of abuse.

House of Commons education Select Committee, warned that too many children, "the long neglected" chronic conditions were being left.

MPs were often their parents made many changes to their children's chances are left without the assistance and protection needs of the expense.
Image of care

A family from a neglected baby early, there was a child with family leave report in practice, rather than community service found an idea too much.

These parents, who have alcohol or drug abuse is often "many years of support, rather than direct intervention were faced by the monitor with its own problems, maybe.

Committee member, Ian Mearns, said: "that is not much of a difference can a family of an ever-growing awareness."
Continue reading the main story
"The initial bidding

Whatever your views in our society, children and the most vulnerable people to cut the price to pay for not exploit "

Graham Stuart education Standing Committee

Child care services, except a violent or destructive home to install and more positive results could give a more positive image.

With Jimmy Savile and scandals around high-profile cases all famous educationist, young people have to worry about abuse.

And older children who are vulnerable to violent behavior of them adults can leave provision raises concerns about.

"Not good enough for older children feel that they too often ignore, demean or care not to be heard from our youth and pushed out insufficient preparation and supported by Mr. Stuart said.

While the most vulnerable children, care homes, such as often leave at least that support, better cross-party group of MPs-off family in their twenties and beyond continue to provide aid to argument.

"Children, who are most damaged some time ago, parenting" MPs reported.

Mr Mearns said that when "kids" system care and after looking at the age of 16 was pushed out to himself, "if something goes wrong is a surprise that it should be".

Support services for older children to take care of the expansion of the financial cost, was recognized.

And they warned should not fall quickly is the ability to intervene in troubled families to put pressure on local authorities.

Mr Stuart said a false "economy" interventions and problems get worse.

"Major improvements"

"Whatever the price paid to children and the most vulnerable people in our society on the exploitation of the cut are not necessary," he said.

Whether it relates to a child from a family-and pressure David Simmonds budget echoed, local Government Association's children and young people Board President hard to balance.

"Protecting vulnerable children jobs councils and social worker every day when a baby is about to be away from her family and are incredibly hard to make sure one of the most important tasks.

"Councils to stop down the line and the importance of early intervention to understand problems and to invest in it.

"But to make tough decisions, the Committee rightly points out the current financial climate Councils spend the most, as being forced to take."

A plant as education spokesman, said: "it is unacceptable for teens to abuse or neglect. children should be protected from harm, whatever your age.

"The Committee notes that every child gets help when they need it child protection system in Central-Government through a major improvement as they should.

"Education Committee, which has raised a number of important issues by careful consideration of the needs and issues a full public response is supposed to provide."

You have been impacted by the issues raised in the story? If you please over BBC radio and TV to be interviewed on the bottom of the form for you.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Music Festival

parliamentary information office: You think that's bad, here in this country we protect racist Muslim rapists, and our media covers up their crimes saying that despite the fact they are all Asian  and their victims all white, there is no racial element!! 

And then you have foreign terrorists who wish to blow us up, and what do we do?  No, we don't hang them as an example.  We give them a house, ask them if they want their family over, give them money, and pay for some fancy lawyer (Tony Blairs wife perhaps?) to argue their case for them.

But Woe betide a white referee who may have "hurt" someones "feelings" for using a "nasty" word.

That is far worse crime than all the above.

They should be hung for treason.

And any "black" association completely disbanded for prejudice and any members prosecuted for being racist. How is having a "black lawyers association" or a "black police association" not racist? Seriously...

And as for the police. Don't even get me started on that shower of shite.

It's about time common sense prevailed. Otherwise fury and anger will take it's place. And then there will be chance for reasoned debates, and no amount of beard scratching by the Guardian readers will help, and the "community inclusion executive" that are favoured by mostly left wing marxist local governments will have their work cut out for them.

What is happening is the seeds of war are being sown.

History tells us such. And history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Either the elephant in the room is acknowledged, or it proceeds to tear the whole house down.


parliamentary information office: We spent 750 million pounds on that god awful Millennium Dome rubbish, and recently we blew several hundred billion on banks, not to mention those pesky wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (remember those?).

The national government's largesse with public money on nonsensical cultural projects, other people's wars, and to keep the old boys network in the black makes the EU look like a bunch of skinflint Calvinists on a bible study weekend.

parliamentary information office: The sad truth is that what appears on one side of the Union as loose financial discipline, pilfering, or even fraud, is perceived in other countries of the same Union as a far, almost unattainable ideal of financial discipline. There are countries where the EU does not only bring funds, but also rules for spending them that go a long way towards achieving a higher level of care for the public money than the locals would ever dream of. This remark should not in any way be interpreted as  supportive of the snafu's reported in this article.

parliamentary information office: I was in Swansea recently and in the super new Bus Station a message is constantly displayed that it was built with funds from the Welsh Government and the EU.  No mention of the fact that the money originated from the whole of the UK and was given in the first place to Brussels and Cardiff by Westminster, and that only a fraction comes back on grants.  This is how the EU works.  Belittle the national Governments, after taking their money, and write them out of history.  Instead create the illusion that it is the local nationalistic "county council on stilts" that provides the largesse, together with Brussels.  You don't have to be Einstein to work out the EU's agenda here.

Parliamentary information office - bridge between people and Parliament also spreading the significant parliament information.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Public Views on Expenses Scandals

parliamentary information office: After all the pathetic excuses given by numerous MPs for claiming expenses, that they should clearly have known they were not entitled to. MPs from all parties are still fiddling their expenses.

It should be law that any MP found fiddling expense claims should immediately be expelled and lose parliamentary privileged cover and be charged with theft.

What most people want to know is - why have MPs been permitted to get away with fiddling their expenses by traveling first class when they should have traveled second class.

This was / is a clear breach of the rules, which state that you can ONLY travel first class when it is cheaper than second class.

At the time of booking their first class tickets it was / is ALWAYS cheaper to book second class. But they have deliberately chosen to compare it with last minute ticket price which for both first AND second class is dearer.

Why then is it that no action has been taken against these MPs ?

Why have none of the party leaders not thrown them out ?

They should lose their seat and be treated just the same as other employees and be charged for blatant theft.

parliamentary information office: Someone who heckles Cameron gets 100 hours community service but a thieving MP in a position of trust is able to resign. People wouldn't believe you if you made it up.

parliamentary information office: Obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception, or conspiracy thereto. That would do for a start.

Why is that all the convicted MP's belong to the Labour Party?

parliamentary information office: The former Europe minister said he wanted to take responsibility for his mistakes.
The Standards and Privileges Committee said he "plainly planned to deceive"

Well, I guess a criminal offence by an elected MP can only be a minor mishap, mistake or pure bad luck.

How many years is he (and the rest) going to serve at her majesty's pleasure?

Parliamentary Yearbook - parliamentary information office

Friday, 2 November 2012

Live Parliament News

parliamentary information office: Claims that the private IT firm Atos made misleading statements about proposed co-operation with disability groups to help secure a £400m contract to perform disability assessments must be immediately investigated, Labour and several disability charities have demanded.

Leaked information from the tendering documents reveal that the firm said it would work with a number of disability organisations to carry out eligibility tests for a new disability benefit.

Four of the organisations named in the document said they had no contact with Atos before being named as possible partners and strongly objected to any suggestion that they planned to co-operate with the company.

parliamentary information office: A foreign secretary walked into a taxidermist with an anaconda and £10 grand, ''Why have you brought him here ?'' asked the taxidermist. "Well he's already been to the pictures and the pub, I thought the change would do him good" replied 14 pint Bill.

parliamentary information office: I read this, it's lengthy but well researched but I found it to be very revealing, someone has taken the time to hold a mirror up to the Conservative party. Spurred by this article, I had a look at other articles and some of the revelations although not exactly new news, when placed together they make for alarming reading about this government and the Conservative party. I'll be going back to read some more of this hard hitting stuff, someone knows how to cut through the mishmash of this terrible government, that's for sure!

parliamentary information office: I wonder who the guest will be, probably a right winger, this is what the BBC do lately put three right wingers against two left. However, these two particular lefties are more than a match for Williams and Moore, they will be eaten alive. I wish I was part of the audience I would love to ask Shirley Williams why she decided to betray every single person in this country when she voted with the Tories (albeit after a bit of grandstanding and public hand wringing) to destroy, break up and privatise our NHS, I can tell you I wouldn't be letting her get away with the mealy mouth excuses for answers! She and the Liberal Democrats will never be forgiven for this and yet, and yet they still do not realise it!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Debate for Wind Farms

parliamentary information office

what do you suggest replacing them with ? coal plants  cause acid rain unless you mine and transport limestone and are a noticeable blot on the landscape and coal mines are a dirty dark and dangerous place to work and open cast mines are a huge scar.

or we can have nuclear powerplants which are a massive intrusion create much pollution through all the steel and concrete that is required to build them and have nuclear waste which is deadly to man for thousands of years which has to be disposed and monitored securely. also remember fukushima three mile island and of course chernobyl. they also cost billions to decommission.

or we could cover the countryside with fracking rigs which have been shown to cause minor earthquakes and possibly contaminate the water supply with the dangherous chemicals used to push the gas out.

or we can use gas and oil  which are mainly sourced from the middle east and russia amongst other areas and we dont know how reliable these sources are or how long the supply will last or be available. you also need pipelines, tankers and refineries and resulting pollution such as the exxon valden torrie canyon and the rig in the us gulf. and of course the north sea is full of rigs so i dont see the difference between that and a wind farm which harnesses free and non polluting energy.

parliamentary information office

The argument for wind farm follies was lost yonks ago when the real figures became known, something a seasoned cynic like myself has been banging on about for just about as long as these ruddy awful eyesores were first installed on the landscape.

parliamentary information office

It's simply an obsticle to addressing the important issues which continually get kicked down the road.

Nobody will take tough decisions because they dont win votes and being in power is everything

parliamentary information office

Just withdraw the subsidies for building them AND refuse to pay a penny more than the current cost of generating electricity by conventional methods...
problem solved, because no one will erect a wind turbine other
than some farmer living in an area which has no normal supply.
Same principle should apply to solar power...install your panels for your personal resale of surplus to energy companies at silly prices. Then no 'profit' will accrue. It is so simple

More Parliamentary News

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Independent Voice

parliamentary information office: I'm from Hull but I don't live there anymore and can't profess to know much about the candidates. However, someone close to me works at Beverley Council and told me that John Prescott didn't turn up to an arranged speech, instead he sent someone else. Of course I don't know the full story, if there was a reason behind it or not however it didn't send out a good message. I think a fresh view point would be a good thing and a younger person is probably a good thing, good luck Mr Eyre.

parliamentary information office: There is an open invitation from me to come to my town hall style public meeting in Hessle on wednesday.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Police elections: Welsh ballot paper decision 'shambolic'

Police elections: Welsh ballot paper decision 'shambolic'

It's an estimated £ 350,000 worth of ballot papers by the police was preparing for the next month and crime in a "shambles" was named after the laminate is likely to be.

Welsh and English bilingual ballots in 48 hours on Monday a plan to print before the deadline of sending out postal ballots to peers.

In Hindi as well as ballots to be thrown away now.

Labour has said that thousands of pounds "worthless paper. On spending

But Ministers said that soon the system is phenomenal and the 2010 general election in a race to be approved for this same legislative election.

Voters to the polls across England and Wales will COP, police and crime Commissioners to replace the existing one was appointed on November 15 to choose.

Ministers said that they "in the English and Welsh languages on full equality between the ballots to make sure were committed.

But labour and Plaid Cymru it Parliament's approval for the day so late and early May to seek his approval to Ministers was intended to be funny.

"The ballot papers, bilingual, will print with the passing of English-£ 350,000 spent on worthless paper ballots are throwing away to allow use of" labour peer Lord Touhig said.

Lib Dem peer Lord Roberts said that it "is a shambolic way" any kind of elections "within the next 48 hours of voting papers that are going to start," he said. "it is beyond my understanding."

For the Government, Lord Taylor said that election ballots at a cost of £ 75 m budget will be met.

Earlier, delegated legislation the Minister Damian Green 2.3 million English language as well as ballot papers "will be dealt with safely" at a meeting of the Third Committee on the police, he said.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

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Friday, 26 October 2012

Ken Clarke 'doubts' on married couple tax break before 2015

Ken Clarke 'doubts' on married couple tax break before 2015

A Conservative Cabinet Minister Ken Clarke said that married couples that they apply, in case of a promised tax changes.

Portfolio Minister said that the marriage of course this Parliament without changing your benefits to see the Daily Telegraph was not expected.

The Government says the Chancellor is talking to.

The opposition agreed to a £ 150 years couples a transferable tax allowance worth perhaps a promise.

This is where a husband or wife stayed at home will apply.

Conservative manifesto said: "we are marriage and civil partnerships will be identified in the next Parliament in the system."

Mr Clarke told the Telegraph that the difficult economic situation it is unlikely that policy before the end of the Parliament will begin in 2015.

Better than expected, weeks ago, despite an increase of 1% in the third quarter of 2012, the Minister also said the economy had been set back to bouncing quickly.

Mr Clarke, a former Chancellor, said that he "very difficult path" lay ahead and still a tight economic conditions, accident allowance, marriage can believe that.

"We never married couples automatically to Parliament by the end of the committed," he told the newspaper.

"I'm married, I'm not counting on it. I remember the promise of that sort of thing."

A spokesman for the Minister said: "it's a comment, not a statement of policy. "It's one thing to change a VC tax

The Liberal Democrats, a coalition of freedom in agreement to oppose the measure by a parliamentary vote on the issue.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Iain Duncan Smith targets 'destructive' welfare system

Iain Duncan Smith targets 'destructive' welfare system

Iain Duncan Smith's work and Pensions Secretary to be picked up by capping with a certain number of children of the family.

In a speech, he also housing benefit directly to leave school to be set up to do that.

"Devastating," he will add some of the benefits system.

Labour has said that government welfare change means working people to back down.
Cultural change

Mr Duncan Smith will ask what they can afford working families to make tough choices about should be able to expect every child in the family, the amount of money never ends when you want.

To be a cultural shift in the Government's welfare system your detailed message a springboard and, rather than something that people in a network of dependencies on those mind-both.

The Government has put the amount spent, but the results are means of cultural change.

BBC political correspondent Gary o' Donoghue said that this is a time when Ministers said that a further £ 10bn of the welfare budget cut the need for a useful argument.

Chancellor George Osborne 2016 already top £ 18bn on benefits being reduced by 17 to save cost that amount.

Work and Pensions Secretary Cambridge public policy think tank will tell: "all too often, social breakdown, the Government's response to" patching "-a classic case of handing out money, full of problems and disadvantages but also useless behavior to support strong limited-case.

"What are the most important in the life of bits system what part of the system to ask and encourage positive behavior and who in fact are destructive people to promote."

He will add: "instead of support, all the system too often nothing is already one of the biggest problems and the rest down-compounds with difficulty facing people.

"Every pound count we our failure over the years and then costs. in the case of not only a financial cost – high taxes, inflated welfare bills and low productivity, as people sit on the long run.

As well as the social costs in the UK – a society left behind a grade, but we accept now automatically should be allowed that some people are writing a fundamental Division. "

Our correspondent said that the Government was thinking of welfare reform in a vigorous restatement speech while a new policy ideas.

Mr Duncan Smith's welfare State, William Beveridge, "a bottomless pit" to refer to wealth was not the founder.

But shadow work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith Liam Byrne said: "don't delete upgrade Beveridge Beveridge.

"The people who help them are famous all uncharitable. never before have people working to pay so and so got a little back.

"So far are the thousands of benefits now better tax credit 8000 millionaire tax cuts of £ 40,000 in fit, the Government is very difficult.

"We promised the welfare revolution and all we've got to pay for welfare people that chaos to chaos."

Friday, 19 October 2012

Andrew Mitchell: PM accused of weak leadership

Labour David Cameron Government Chief Whip weak leadership for failing to dismiss the allegations Andrew Mitchell to resign before.

Downing Street's story at the moment, stand-off during the swearing-in ceremony in the "plebs" calling.

He said that the Prime Minister, who then, that she can do her job "harmful publicity" means stand.

Former Commons leader to become the new Chief Whip Sir George young.

Michael Dugher, Shadow Minister without portfolio, said that the Prime Minister would do so.

He said: "David Cameron's refusal to take seriously the denial and I think, left him looking completely vulnerable, but also completely out of touch.

"It's the same rules for everyone and the same rules, once again."

But Mr Cameron, saying it was an "excellent leader" one of the reasons was because he believes that "what worked for him in the" Education Secretary Michael Gove's rescue.

"He felt that the first trouble, his loyalty to her promises," he said.

Mr. Mitchell's resignation on Friday evening Police Association as well as labor demand.
' Very sorry '

Sutton Coldfield in September of the cabinet reshuffle, the MPs, the International Development Secretary, marked the end of a 25-political life for years was promoted to Chief Whip.

In his resignation letter, Mr Mitchell, 56, said: "it's me that's clear rights and wrongs that I carry out my duties from us to want to be."

He repeats his clear assurance that police officer "plebs" — don't call in a police report on the alleged incident.

But he says: "slanderous comments and because of my parting comment police had" my apologies I thought you guys were going to f *** ing help us '.

"This is a bad use of language to me clearly was wrong and I am sorry to accept your apology and am grateful for the police officer."

Mr. Mitchell was put in the spotlight-conservative party when police in a page of Sun "plebs" calling to maintain discipline had been charged.

Instead small pedestrian gate directed to bicycle through armed police chief after Downing Street of the gate.

He used foul language to learn its place and "informed" and "you can't run this Government".

Related to their authorized senior officials of the event and the police log, which Mr. Mitchell after the story leaked to the media, appeared to contradict reported.
"Highly exaggerated"

The police Union--which rank-and-file officers represented-and Mr Mitchell to accept your version of events from the intense pressure under which.

MP line of tried to stay away from a Conservative Party Conference.

Their fate when the Deputy Chief Whip John Randall allegedly opposed to cling on to the to be is their determination to go on Wednesday was sealed.

Why he was resigning, Mitchell responds to your letter to Mr. Mr Cameron said that it "makes sense" said: "I'm sorry, this is necessary."

Chief Whip "victims to their old behavior, quite a few people, it's hard man still political Editor Nick Robinson said the BBC to be ready with.

The Police Federation of England and Wales, Chairman Paul McKeever said: "it's a public office is not declining, but Andrew Mitchell's decision seemed almost certain resignation by the Prime Minister to look for good."

Jacob Rees-Mogg event story MP "was highly exaggerated," he said.

"No one has lost their temper. frankly, all kinds of great people to lose their temper in your daily life, it is a part of human nature," he told the BBC's tape.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Gary McKinnon extradition: Theresa May due to rule on hacker

Gary McKinnon extradition: Theresa May due to rule on hacker

Home Secretary Theresa may regardless of computer hacker Gary McKinnon will be extradited to the US announcement.

Mr McKinnon, who believe that u.s. Government computers, but claims that he was looking for evidence of UFOs to reach, since 2006, has been fighting extradition.

46 who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, years, 60 years in the United States to face charges in jail if proven.

Meanwhile, reports suggest that Mrs also Britain's extradition arrangements with the United States will announce the changes.

Which is to say that it is the citizens of the UK to demand of us is critical even easier by Mr McKinnon's case highlights.

David Cameron in March during a meeting at the White House with President Barack Obama raised the issue and said that he would like to see a review.

The daily mail reported that the Home Secretary is a measure to make it more likely that British citizens will be tried in the UK-will make that where his alleged crimes took place, to apply.

It says the so-called forum time means a court hearing where a person should stand to be held for trial.

The paper says Mrs time the wood green, North London, Mr McKinnon, to dictate Commons address Forum will announce the introduction of the tax.

American officials in Glasgow-born hacker of "the biggest military computer hack of all time" as described and they face us justice is demanded.

They insisted their hacking "and calculated to influence and affect the US Government by intimidation and coercion to intentionally".

Americans said that his actions $ 800,000 (£ 487000) military computer system caused the damage.

Mr. McKinnon against extradition before the High Court and the House of Lords lost the appeal, but two years ago the High Court judges ruled Mr McKinnon is a suicide risk if sent away.

Earlier this year, Mrs. decision Ministry of Home Affairs appointed psychiatrists to conduct an evaluation to hold, putting on.

They have concluded that Mr. McKinnon to take his own life if he is to face trial in the US was likely to be sent to.
' Zombified '

BBC correspondent legal Clive Coleman said that the Home Secretary to stop extradition on human rights grounds only.

Our correspondent believed this latest report it that way with a base.

If Mrs. may lead to extradition, lawyers for Mr. McKinnon is a judicial review of the decision to apply for the challenge are hoping for.

A provisional trial date of 23 High Court and for 29 in November.

Mr McKinnon's mother Janis sharp, told the BBC her son that "destroyed" him for the past decade, a "zombified" life.

Ms sharp to be tried in the UK is calling for, and believes that if he were forced to travel to the US extradition powers will be used inappropriately.

"It's the terrorists if you were in a country and you have a heinous crime and you..... The Treaty was supposed to be it was not meant for this kind of thing ".

He said he believes he will be executed if he is extradited, Mr McKinnon Asperger's syndrome-a form of autism-that means.

Shami Chakrabarti, Director of civil rights group liberty, Mrs may urged call "compassion and common sense show on extradition" has joined in.

He said: "to avoid justice, extradition should stop fugitives if they are to be yanked around the world by British nationals have allegedly allowed here at home".

Monday, 8 October 2012

Tory conference: Burglary 'over-reaction' to be allowed

When the thieves to get by-laws face householders have no running in response to security, Justice Secretary Chris Grayling has been going on for that.

"Income more broadly" the army still will be against the law, but the strength of the current "ratio" test will be set high.

He will also tell the Party Conference all community story of a punitive element.

But he stressed that he is committed to the rehabilitation of criminals.

Mr Grayling as soon as possible to deal with intruders on advisers say, and it is to want a crime bill through Parliament this autumn could be involved in passing.
' Awesome '

This is someone who is a burglar confronted by and fearful, or to protect the security of their family, and moments that under reasonable power, but in the cold light of day in the summer seems to be guilty of a crime more than income.

Mr Grayling will tell Tory delegates: "in your own home by an intruder being faced is excellent, and there is no doubt that the law on their side."

"That's why I'm strong on the law.

"Acting spontaneously and honestly what crime victims in a self-defense householders have no running and should be treated this way.

"We in this region once and for all need to remove doubts, and I pledge today that we are pleased to provide the opposition."

Mr Grayling his predecessor Ken Clarke, who last month was another cabinet job to a more traditional work was taken.

But his speech to stress that more "strict" to use the image portrayed by the tabloids.

And "charity and private companies at operated by re-offending rates cut rehabilitation revolution program" by "a" for its commitment to stress.

After a judge Michael PERT QC, homeowners by being shot is just a chance that the thieves had said that the Declaration on self-defence householders have no running.

Lord Chief Justice, Lord judge, should always be treated with the seriousness of the steal and insisted that householders have no running "the thief to get rid of" no running to the right use of power over the past month.

"Sometimes it seems as if the criminal is" the householder admitted but said: "well, cool, cool of the householder to justice.

"You are no different from peace you are probably very Cross and you probably will be a mix of both very afraid.

"And what should or should not be in your decision of circumstances in another predecessor, a jeweler in the scale of Lord Lane-the way you do.

"How you guys are doing and how people react to the reality of these conditions, and the appropriate response."

Even if the army is not appropriate or just use a paper after six months had been "the situation at the time, Lord Justice of the measures needed to be taken into consideration.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Labor conference: Andy Burnham vows to scrap NHS market

Andy Burnham NHS hospital England's "rapid" privatization if labor WINS power to fast reverse.

Shadow Health Secretary, will warn that some NHS patients under the new freedom of personal number of hospitals plan to double.

David Cameron promised to protect the NHS is in a speech to the Labour Conference to destroy the character of the risk to Alliance.

Labour to provide NHS services all out competition is ruled out.

Party if they still 18 months to free NHS patient and operation "active role" to the right of patients to private promises were waiting for 2010, manifesto.
Market forces

But the Party believes that the massive and Foundation of health service "marketisation" mix.

In particular, Mr Burnham feared new freedom to earn their income from 49% of hospitals to work would harm character and culture "of the NHS and to take an American model.
Continue reading the main story
"The initial bidding

I make a new organization or the NHS will not throw upside down”

Andy Burnham, the shadow Health Secretary

The document information, which he claimed is that some new freedom to complete the plan came into effect this week hospitals using freedom to appear to request posted through.

He also suggests what he calls community health services across the country rely on market forces are planning to open.

He told BBC News: "England is going to be a quarter 396 tender one billion pounds to fit around community service.

"This is the biggest single ever NHS privatisation.

"The Government no longer speed and the NHS ever being this week’s proceedings signed these contracts with large scale privatization."
‘Ally ' system

He said that he "absolutely" wanted to remove "all hospitals and health providers competitive" structure within the new work to be possible under the law.

He said: "I plan to, the NHS is a national partner system to restore the legal basis and that is why I am David Cameron brought to market madness to repeal the NHS."

When controversial health and social care Act repeal on Tuesday his big Conference speech, labour leader Ed Miliband promised workers a cheer.

Mr Burnham reports that a further move to use the bulk of his keynote address will be achieved without.

He said: "I will not BBC News a new organization or because I only heir to a work organization differently upside down and throw in the NHS restructuring.

"Back to work collaboratively within the framework of a planned NHS. but a repeal under restructuring Bill."

The Tuesday evening meeting Mr Burnham in his handling of some labor fringe mistakes made, but admitted it was a "most successful, confident NHS waiting list ever and the highest patient satisfaction”. Andy Burnham NHS hospital England's "rapid" privatization if labor WINS power to fast reverse.

Shadow Health Secretary, will warn that some NHS patients under the new freedom of personal number of hospitals plan to double.

David Cameron promised to protect the NHS is in a speech to the Labor Conference to destroy the character of the risk to Alliance.

Labor to provide NHS services all out competition is ruled out.

Party if they still 18 months to free NHS patient and operation "active role" to the right of patients to private promises were waiting for 2010, manifesto.
Market forces

But the Party believes that the massive and Foundation of health service "marketisation" mix.

In particular, Mr Burnham feared new freedom to earn their income from 49% of hospitals to work would harm character and culture "of the NHS and to take an American model.
Continue reading the main story
"The initial bidding

I make a new organization or the NHS will not throw upside down”

Andy Burnham, the shadow Health Secretary

The document information, which he claimed is that some new freedom to complete the plan came into effect this week hospitals using freedom to appear to request posted through.

He also suggests what he calls community health services across the country rely on market forces are planning to open.

He told BBC News: "England is going to be a quarter 396 tender one billion pounds to fit around community service.

"This is the biggest single ever NHS privatisation.

"The Government no longer speed and the NHS ever being this week’s proceedings signed these contracts with large scale privatization."
' Ally ' system

He said that he "absolutely" wanted to remove "all hospitals and health providers competitive" structure within the new work to be possible under the law.

He said: "I plan to, the NHS is a national partner system to restore the legal basis and that is why I am David Cameron brought to market madness to repeal the NHS."

When controversial health and social care Act repeal on Tuesday his big Conference speech, labour leader Ed Miliband promised workers a cheer.

Mr Burnham reports that a further move to use the bulk of his keynote address will be achieved without.

He said: "I will not BBC News a new organization or because I only heir to a work organization differently upside down and throw in the NHS restructuring.

"Back to work Collaboratively within the framework of a planned NHS. but a repeal under restructuring Bill."

The Tuesday evening meeting Mr Burnham in his handling of some labour fringe mistakes made, but admitted it was a "most successful, confident NHS waiting list ever and the highest patient satisfaction".